Peace & Conflict
Universität Basel UNIBAS
- Luogo di formazione
Basilea (BS)
- Lingua di insegnamento
- Tipo di formazione
Università e politecnici - Perfezionamento: formazioni lunghe
- Modalità temporali
Tempo parziale
- Ambiti
Scienze umane, storia, filosofia - Settore sociale, scienze sociali
- Indirizzi di studio
Filosofia - Studi internazionali
- Swissdoc
7.731.58.0 - 7.830.3.0
Aggiornato il 28.02.2023
Descrizione della formazione
The MAS in Peace & Conflict aims at understanding how peacebuilding can transform violent conflicts by using peaceful means, promoting peace, rebuilding societies affected by war and preventing violence from re-emerging. This MAS program bridges academic findings with current insights from peacebuilding practice.
Your benefits:
- Understand latest academic findings on violent conflict and conflict prevention
- Become familiar with various conflict contexts
- Acquire practical peacebuilding skills and tools
- Learn how to design and support peacebuilding programs and reflect critically on peacebuilding practices
- Lay the foundation for your next career step
- Exchange experiences and become part of a community of practice.
Our on-site and virtual courses are taught by highly experienced experts from different contexts and provide a platform for learning, reflection, and exchange among accomplished professionals and people who aspire to develop a career in peacebuilding.
Piano di formazione
MAS participants enroll in the DAS Peace & Conflict and acquire 30 ECTS. After a successful completion of the DAS Peace & Conflict, they can attend further modules to receive a MAS degree. MAS participants have to conclude the following modules in order to receive their MAS certificate:
- MAS Introductory Module
- Advanced Courses (6-8 courses at swisspeace or partner institutions)
- MAS Final Thesis relevant to participants' work or career development
For more information take a look at our program framework
Condizioni d'ammissione
This program is designed for professionals interested in combining current academic insights and practical knowledge in peace and conflict studies.
A minimum of two years of professional experience in relevant fields and a university degree (minimum BA) or an equivalent educational background are required.
CHF 28'800. Travel, food and accommodation costs are not included in the fee.
Unfortunately, swisspeace does not provide any scholarships for this program. Participants (or their employer) must be able to cover the tuition fee.
- Master of Advanced Studies MAS
Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) Peace & Conflict, University of Basel
Informazioni pratiche
Luogo / indirizzo
- Basilea (BS)
Kasernenhof 8
CH-4058 Basel
Svolgimento temporale
Participants can join the program at any time of the year with a course of their choice.
Modalità temporali
- Tempo parziale
Lingua di insegnamento
- inglese
Informazioni / contatto
Continuing Education Team
Kasernenhof 8
CH-4058 Basel
Tel. +41 61 551 56 56
Der Studiengang ist Teil der berufsbegleitenden Weiterbildung der Universität Basel.
Istituto 1
Universität Basel UNIBAS
Petersplatz 1
4001 Basel
Tel.: + 41 61 207 30 23
Ulteriori informazioni
Weiterbildung Universität Basel
Universität Basel
Petersgraben 35
4001 Basel
Tel.: +41 61 207 30 08
Istituto 2
Kasernenhof 8
4058 Basel
Tel.: +41 61 551 56 56