Physics of Life
Master universitario
Universität Basel UNIBAS
- Luogo di formazione
Basilea (BS)
- Lingua di insegnamento
- Tipo di formazione
Università e politecnici
- Modalità temporali
Tempo pieno
- Ambiti
Chimica, materie sintetiche, carta - Natura, scienze naturali
- Indirizzi di studio
Biologia - Scienze della vita, biotecnologia - Scienze e tecnologie biomediche
- Swissdoc
6.540.1.0 - 6.540.5.3 - 6.540.5.2
Aggiornato il 05.02.2024
Descrizione della formazione
Breakthroughs in life science research often occur at the interface between biology and physics, chemistry, mathematics, programming, as well as engineering. In the past, this has led to revolutionary developments of new methodologies, such as super-resolution microscopy, magnetic resonance techniques, and DNA sequencing techniques. Furthermore, scientists with training in physical and mathematical sciences, as well as engineering, have made broadly impactful contributions to the understanding of living systems by introducing quantitative concepts and theoretical models. This has not only led to innumerable discoveries at the atomic and molecular scale but also at the cellular, multicellular, and ecosystems scale, and for the origin of life itself. As recent developments of molecular techniques have led to the rapid acquisition of huge amounts of quantitative data for biological systems, the impact of scientists with training in physics, mathematics, computer science, and engineering is expected to grow. To accelerate future discoveries in life sciences, the MSc Physics of Life therefore trains students with a BSc education in physical sciences, mathematics, computer science, and engineering in the concepts and techniques of frontier research in life sciences.
Focal areas of teaching and research
The MSc Physics of Life offers courses and research training in both experimental and theoretical approaches. The major focus of the MSc Physics of Life program are research projects: Two smaller research projects and a longer research project for the Master thesis. These projects are conducted in research groups at the Biozentrum, or in research groups at other departments within the Faculty of Science at the University of Basel, the Department of Biomedicine, the Department of Biomedical Engineering, the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, or the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute. This practical research is supplemented by attending courses in Physics of Life, and courses in your field of choice, which may include courses from physics, mathematics, computer science, chemistry, biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, developmental biology, biophysics, structural biology, microbiology, infection biology, immunology, neurobiology, pharmacology and computational biology – a wide variety of options for theoretical and experimental topics are available.
Through the combination of coursework and research projects within the MSc Physics of Life program, you will be able to identify important biological research questions and deploy appropriate physical, mathematical, or biological methods to address these questions. You will also have the practical experience to complete a research project and the skills to communicate your results.
Course structure
The Master of Science degree program is a postgraduate degree program. To enroll in a Master of Science degree program, a successfully completed Bachelor’s degree is required. The Master’s degree program Physics of Life awards 90 ECTS credits and is a so called «mono-course» consisting of only one core subject.
Piano di formazione
One ECTS credit point corresponds to approximately 30 hours of study.
Curriculum master studies | ECTS |
Master’s degree program Physics of Life | |
Foundations in Physics of Life | 18 |
Research projects | 20 |
Electives (inside MSc programs of the Phil Nat Faculty, at least 6 KP in Msc Molecular Biology) | 12 |
Master’s thesis | 30 |
Master’s examination | 10 |
Total | 90 |
Combinazione di indirizzi
The degree programs at the Faculty of Science are generally mono-courses.
Condizioni d'ammissione
The course is aimed at bachelor's graduates, for example in the following fields of study: Physics, mathematics, computer science, computational science and engineering, chemistry, biochemistry, life sciences and technologies, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, micro engineering, material science, chemical engineering. More information under: MSc in Physics of Life - Biozentrum (
Binding information under:
Application under; the application fee amounts to CHF 100.-. Application deadlines are April 30 for the fall semester and November 30 for the spring semester.
The letter of admission also informs students on the procedure of enrollment. In general, students with a Swiss educational background do not have to be present in person for enrollment.
Universität Basel UNIBAS > Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Die Anmeldegebühr von CHF 100.- wird nicht rückerstattet, falls das Studium nicht aufgenommen wird.
Begründete verspätete Anmeldungen erfordern eine Zusatzgebühr von CHF 150.-
Pro Semester (auch für Prüfungssemester) ist eine Pauschale von CHF 850.- (+ CHF 10.- freiwilliger Beitrag für die Studierendenschaft skuba) einzuzahlen.
Hinzu kommen je nach Fachrichtung noch Auslagen für Studienliteratur sowie Lebenshaltungskosten.
- Master università/politecnico
Master of Science in Physics of Life (MSc)
Doktorat / PhD
A Master’s degree in Physics of Life builds the basis for doctoral studies (PhD) in Life Sciences, Physics, or Chemistry. The doctoral studies usually take three to four years and are completed with a written thesis and oral exam covering the postgraduate studies in the doctoral subject.
Informazioni pratiche
Luogo / indirizzo
- Basilea (BS)
Spitalstrasse 41
4056 Basel
Svolgimento temporale
The program is to be started preferably in fall but can also be started in the spring semester.
The Master’s program typically lasts three semesters. There are no restrictions on the duration of study.
Modalità temporali
- Tempo pieno
Lingua di insegnamento
- inglese
The language of instruction is English. The Master’s thesis is generally written in English.
Guidelines and regulations
Universität Basel UNIBAS > Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Tag der offenen Tür
Im Januar findet ein Infotag für Schulklassen statt.
Jeweils im September stellen sich die einzelnen Fächer an den Informationsabenden für Maturand/innen ("Live aus der Uni Basel") vor.
Weitere Informationen
Reglemente der Fakultät
- Ordnung für die Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge sowie die Doktoratsstudien an der Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Basel
- Wegleitungen und allfällige Stundenpläne für die einzelnen Fächer sind auf den entsprechenden Websites veröffentlicht.
Informazioni / contatto
Questions regarding the Master's degree program of Physics of Life can be discussed personally with the study coordinator or the study counselor (registration via e-mail):
Study Counselor for the Master Program Physics of Life
Prof. Dr. Knut Drescher, Biozentrum, Spitalstrasse 41, 4056 Basel, T +41 61 207 65 23, e-mail:
Universität Basel UNIBAS > Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Studienberatung Basel
Steinengraben 5, 4051 Basel
T +41 61 207 29 29/30
Studiensekretariat der Universität
(Anmeldung und Zulassung)
Petersplatz 1, 4001 Basel
Anfragen über (Kontaktformular)
Istituto 1
Universität Basel UNIBAS
Petersplatz 1
4056 Basel
Tel.: + 41 61 207 30 23
Ulteriori informazioni
Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Studiendekanat der Phil.-Nat. Fakultät
Klingelbergstrasse 50
4056 Basel
Tel.: +41 61 207 30 54