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Nuclear Engineering / Génie nucléaire, Joint Master, Master spécialisé

Master universitario

Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich ETHZ

Luogo di formazione

Zurigo (ZH) - Losanna (VD) - Villigen PSI (AG)

Lingua di insegnamento


Tipo di formazione

Università e politecnici

Modalità temporali

Tempo pieno


Chimica, materie sintetiche, carta - Elettronica, microtecnica - Metalmeccanica - Natura, scienze naturali

Indirizzi di studio

Elettrotecnica, tecnologia dell'informazione - Fisica - Scienze dei materiali

Swissdoc - 6.555.1.0 - 6.580.2.0

Aggiornato il 13.02.2024


Descrizione della formazione

Il est d’une importance capitale pour le bien-être économique des pays industrialisés et le développement des pays émergeants de disposer d’une énergie propre, abordable et disponible de manière fiable.

L’énergie nucléaire représente à moyen terme l’une des principales chances de combler l’écart qui ne cesse de s’agrandir entre l’offre et la demande énergétique. En fonction de la mise à disposition de nouvelles générations d’installations et de technologies innovantes, l’énergie nucléaire est également une ressource potentiellement cruciale à long terme.

Le programme en Génie nucléaire vise à:

  • Offrir des connaissances approfondies sur les principes fondamentaux et les technologies permettant la maîtrise de la fission nucléaire dans un but d’approvisionnement énergétique
  • Présenter les principes de base et les défis de la fusion nucléaire contrôlée
  • Offrir des connaissances sur les techniques nucléaires utilisées dans les domaines de la recherche médicale et de l’industrie
  • Présenter une vue d’ensemble de l’intégralité du système de conversion énergétique et du cycle complet du combustible, de l’extraction de l’uranium à la gestion du système
  • Fournir le contexte nécessaire à l’intégration de l’énergie nucléaire dans les systèmes énergétiques dans leur globalité

Organisation des études

Students enroll either at EPFL or at ETHZ. A minimum of 120 ECTS credits (4 semesters) must be acquired in order to receive a Master’s degree.

Le premier semestre s’effectue à l’EPFL, le deuxième semestre à la ETHZ et les troisième et quatrième semestres principalement au Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI).

Le master représente le second diplôme universitaire après le bachelor et équivaut généralement à l’acquisition de 90-120 crédits ECTS. 

Piano di formazione


Master Nuclear Engineering

Compulsory courses (70 ECTS)

  • Advanced topics in nuclear reactor materials
  • Beyond-design-basis safety
  • Course of entrepreneurship
  • Decommissioning of nuclear power plans
  • Nuclear computations lab
  • Fuel cycle and waste management
  • Nuclear Fuels and Materials
  • Physics of nuclear reactors
  • Radiation and reactor experiments
  • Radiation biology, protection and applications
  • Reliability Engineering and quantitative risk analysis
  • Techology and safety of nuclear power plants
  • Semester Project Nuclear Engineering
  • Engineering internship

Elective core courses (20 ECTS)

  • Advanced Techniques for the Risk Analysis of Technical Systems
  • Biomedical Imaging
  • Computational Multiphase Thermal Fluid Dynamics
  • Computational Neuroimaging Clinic
  • Elective project nuclear engineering
  • Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Technologies
  • Energy conversion and renewable energy
  • Experimental methods in physics
  • Etc.

Master’s thesis in research or industrial environment (30 ECTS)

120 crédits

1 crédit ECTS correspond à environ 25-30 heures de travail. 

Des changements dans les plans d'études peuvent survenir en cours d'année. Se référer aux informations disponibles sur le site de l’EPFL.

Link verso il piano di formazione

Combinazione di indirizzi

Le programme « Nuclear Engineering » ne permet pas de combinaison de branches.


An engineering internship lasting 12 weeks and worth 8 ECTS is carried out during the course.

Descrizione della materia secondaria / minor

La branche ne peut pas être étudiée comme branche secondaire. 


Condizioni d'ammissione

Bachelor's Degree in a broad range of basic and engineering sciences. 

The following required admission profile is expected to be met by the largely common elements of the first years of university education in science and engineering :

  • minimum required credits in Mathematics : 18 ECTS or equivalent hours/week
  • minimum required contents in Natural Sciences : 12 ECTS or equivalent hours/week
  • minimum required contents in Enginerring Sciences : 12 ECTS or equivalent hours/week


Tous les cours sont donnés en anglais, un niveau C1 est recommandé. Informations sur les compétences en anglais demandées par l'EPFL.

Link verso l'ammissione


EPF Lausanne

Inscription en ligne
Délais : 15 décembre ou 31 mars de chaque anné
Délai pour les personnes devant obtenir un visa : 15 décembre


EPF Lausanne
Finances et taxes de cours: CHF 780.- par semestre


  • Master università/politecnico

Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering ETH Zürich - EPF Lausanne



After graduation, the students will have the profile to start a career in industry, research institutes and national authorities, in Switzerland and abroad. The master is also a stepping stone to join a PhD program in nuclear engineering implemented as an EPFL-ETHZ-PSI collaboration.

The field of employment ranges from nuclear utilities, via nuclear service companies and commercial organisations specializing in different stages of fuel cycle, to the vendors and developers of nuclear power plants and other nuclear installations.

In Switzerland, nuclear power plants are operated by AXPO (KKB), BKW (KKM), Kernkraftwerk Gösgen-?Däniken AG (KKG) and Kernkraftwerk Leibstadt AG (KKL). Nuclear waste is treated and temporarily stored by ZWILAG. NAGRA is the national research and service organization in Switzerland for the final disposal of nuclear waste from nuclear power plants. A number of domestic and international companies with branches in Switzerland offer services in the field. A considerable number of job opportunities are found abroad. Potential commercial employers include reactor vendors and developers, utilities as well as reprocessing facilities, uranium enrichment plants, fuel manufacturers and organizations dealing with waste disposal.

In the field of nuclear energy research and development, the Paul Scherrer Institute is the main player in Switzerland. It is an important employer for young academic personnel wishing for a career in the field of research and development, and in particular aiming at continuing the education as a doctoral or post-?doctoral student. Similar opportunities exist in numerous research centers abroad, as well as in scientific-?technical s upport organizations such as GRS in Germany and IRSN in France. Also universities will have a certain need for graduates and young scientists in the field of nuclear engineering, especially if the applicants’ curriculum includes a PhD obtained in Switzerland or additional experience on the job.

Furthermore, appropriately qualified academic personnel are needed in national authorities and governmental institutions like the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate, the Swiss Federal Office of Energy, and similar organizations abroad. A number of graduates from the Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering program have already found attractive positions with such institutions.

Upon completion of their Master’s curricula, students obtain a Master of Science MSc in Nuclear Engineering delivered jointly by EPFL and ETHZ. The diploma also gives graduates the right to use the title of EPF-ETH qualified Engineer.

Informazioni pratiche

Luogo / indirizzo

  • Zurigo (ZH)
  • Losanna (VD)
  • Villigen PSI (AG)

ETH Zürich
Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik
8092 Zürich ETH-Zentrum

Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Faculté des sciences de base
1015 Lausanne

Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI)
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen

Svolgimento temporale


Début septembre


4 semestres. La durée maximale des études est de 4 ans.

Modalità temporali

  • Tempo pieno

Lingua di insegnamento

  • inglese


Informazioni / contatto

EPFL - Physics Section : Tél. : +41 (0)21 693 33 00,