Geological and climate related risk (CERG-C)
Diploma / certificato del formatore
Université de Genève (UNIGE)
- Luogo di formazione
Ginevra (GE)
- Lingua di insegnamento
- Tipo di formazione
Perfezionamento: formazioni lunghe - Università e politecnici
- Modalità temporali
Tempo pieno
- Ambiti
Natura, scienze naturali
- Indirizzi di studio
- Swissdoc
Aggiornato il 15.02.2021
Descrizione della formazione
The basic teaching is held at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. The training is made up of two parts: an intensive 7 weeks of lectures (including field immersion) and 2 weeks of validation, plus a personal dissertation based on a research or on an internship within national or international organizations.
5 thematic modules:
- Risk management
- Volcanic risk
- Seismic risk
- Terrain instabilities
- Flood and climate related risk
+ Memoire
The final project can consist of a comprehensive Mémoire describing a specific geological risk, including data processing and analyses and application of management strategies.
- To educate participants on how to incorporate risk science into everyday reality in an attempt to reduce losses to an acceptable level.
- To train participants on how to communicate effectively with government agencies, media, public and private sectors before, during and after natural hazard events.
Condizioni d'ammissione
Master degree or a diploma of 5 years in various fields of Earth Sciences (i.e. Geology, Geography and Geotechnics), Civil Engineering, Land planning or other fields with relevant professional experience.
Link verso l'ammissione
- Diploma / certificato del formatore
Specialization certificate for the Assesment and management geological and climate related risk, 30 ECTS.
Informazioni pratiche
Luogo / indirizzo
- Ginevra (GE)
Svolgimento temporale
April, each year
3 months
Modalità temporali
- Tempo pieno
Lingua di insegnamento
- inglese
Informazioni / contatto
Coordination CERG-C
Section des Sciences de la terre et de l'Environnement
Université de Genève
Rue des Maraîchers 13
CH-1205 Geneve
Bureau 105, 1er étage
Tél. +41 22 379 66 02
Istituto 1
Université de Genève (UNIGE)
Rue du Général-Dufour 24
1211 Genève 4
Tel.: +41 (0)22 379 71 11
Ulteriori informazioni
Centre pour la formation continue et à distance (CFCD)
Université de Genève (UNIGE)
Uni Pignon
Bd de Pont-d’Arve 42
1211 Genève 4
Tel.: +41 (0)22 379 78 33