Effective Programming in Scala
Diploma / certificato del formatore
Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
- Luogo di formazione
A distanza
- Lingua di insegnamento
- Tipo di formazione
Perfezionamento: corsi
- Modalità temporali
A scelta
- Ambiti
Applicazioni tecniche, programmazione, gestione informatica
- Swissdoc
Aggiornato il 05.11.2024
Descrizione della formazione
This course teaches non-Scala programmers everything they need to be ready to work in Scala.
It aims at leveling up the students programming skills by embracing both functional programming and object-oriented programming. They will become familiar with the standard library and the common patterns of code used in the real world.
Piano di formazione
- Get Up and Running with Scala on Your Computer
- What is a Scala Program
- Structuring Data in Scala
- Manipulating Collections of Data
- Writing Algorithms
- Programming in the Large
- Modules and Encapsulation
- Reasoning About Code
- Type-Directed Programming
- Implicit conversions
- Error Handling
- Remote Calls and Parallel Computations
- Capstone project
Condizioni d'ammissione
This course is taught at the intermediate-level. The students should have the following skills and abilities prior to registering for this course:
- English at B1 level
- A computer with a webcam, microphone and a minimum internet connection of 2Mbps download / 512kbps upload, enabling you to stream videos with sound and to effectively participate in video chats
- Familiarity with computer environments (what is a program, file system, file formats, terminal, programming language, library)
- Prior experience with any high-level programming language
Public cible
This course is for any developer willing to gain the skills and understanding to oversee or implement a Scala project.
CHF 420.- per month
- Diploma / certificato del formatore
Informazioni pratiche
Luogo / indirizzo
A distanza
Svolgimento temporale
We enroll learners in this course on a rolling basis.
125 hours.
Self-paced, online learning.
Modalità temporali
- A scelta
Lingua di insegnamento
- inglese
Istituto 1
Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
1015 Lausanne
Tel.: +41 (0)21 693 11 11
Ulteriori informazioni
EPFL Extension School
EPFL Innovation Park, Building E
1015 Lausanne
Cellulare: +41 (0)21 695 51 46